>investment: islands<
Isola Budelli, Italy
“There are those who like to have something in
the family portfolio. It’s nice to have a fat file in the
library to show friends detailing your own island
even if you don’t visit very often”
“It’s impossible to make
generalisations about
island prices,” says Arez.
“A lot depends on what is
on the island, accessibility,
international connections,
infrastructure and where
it is. We sell a very special
commodity. Islands don’t
follow normal rules of
economics. Demand
depends on availability.”
The joy of shopping
Isla de Altamura, Mexico
for an island, however,
is that you can get
involved in the market for under US$40,000.
That kind of money would get you a “small
beats inflation every year, and in some cases
parcel of land with mixed woodland” on a
the returns are astonishing. One New York
Canadian lake in Nova Scotia. There are no
island which was bought through Vladi in 1997
amenities, no electricity and, to be honest,
was sold 10 years later by the brokers for a
not a lot of people around. If you worry
recession-beating US$18 million.
about wireless connections or mobile phone
reception this is probably not the purchase for
you. However, a little more cash, say, around
US$110 million more, and you could be the
proud owner of the 10-acre Isola Marinella off
the coast of Sardinia. With a main house of
250 square metres (three double bedrooms),
a second villa and a quay for your yachts, the
island is handy for Porto Rotondo and only 15
minutes from Olbia Airport. A too tad rich for
your blood? Well, five million less allows you
to let your Robinson Crusoe dreams run wild
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