>investment: islands<
“It’s impossible to make generalisations
about island prices. A lot depends on what
is on the island, accessibility, international
connections, infrastructure and where it
is. We sell a very special commodity”
King Island, Nova Scotia
Great Hans Lollik Isl
and, Caribbean
Forsyth Island, New Zealand
King Island House, Nova Scotia
“Owning an island really lightens your
soul.” And the good doctor should know,
because for more than 20 years he has
been in the business of brokering islands,
or as he describes it, “the fine art dealing
of nature”. Arez works for the biggest
island selling company in the world, Vladi
Private Islands, and while the eponymous
owner Mr Vladi is in mid-air transit
between Canada and his own piece of
paradise off the coast of New Zealand (a
900-acre island home in the Marlborough
Sound), Arez tells Jumeirah how islands
are the perfect credit crunch investment.
“These days many of our clients feel
the need to get away from modern noise
and daily sorrows and lighten up,” Arez
says. “When we travel we put distance
between problems and ourselves. On an
island this healing feeling is magnified
considerably. It’s a pharmacy for the soul.”
Behind the poetry of ownership, of course,
there is serious business intent. Many shrewd
investors are seeking out islands for their rarity
factor. Uniqueness always sells, and in volatile
n globally uncertain times,
times it’s wise to back sure-fire winners.
it’s always good to have a few
“At Vladi we have seen several economic
certainties in life. And one of
downturns and during these times I think
the biggest of all is that nature
clients come to us for reliable additions to their
is not creating any more islands
soon. Sure, there’s the occasional portfolios,” he says. “There is a finite supply
of naturally created islands, nature really isn’t
volcanic blip every century or
making that many more, and clients like that.
so and, of course, there are a
They feel safe. They may buy an island from us
cluster of man-made creations
off the coast of the UAE. But for and only visit it for a day every three years, but
they know that it’s steadily increasing in value.”
your honest-to-goodness, never-to-be-repeatedThe natural art dealer believes that islands
anytime-soon paradise lost, you can’t beat a
consistently offer a return that comfortably
naturally created island. As Dr Pedro Arez says: