is cooking housework?
What is housework?
~ Any work produced that cannot be sold on the marketplace and must be consumed by household members or visitors.
~ If a third party could be paid to do the work, than it is unpaid work as opposed to leisure. For instance, one could pay to have their dog walked, but one would probably not pay someone to watch TV for them.
~ It can be done any day during the week or weekend, and can be performed by the employed or unemployed.
What types of housework exist
~Preparing food and drinks
~doing laundry
~maintaining the yard
~caring for a pet
~making repairs and new construction ~purchasing goods and services
~caring for household members (adults and children)
~Volunterring (in a local church or food pantry)
~picking children up from school
Housework or leisure?
~Entertaining friends
~Child care (combined with cooking or with leisure like watching TV)
Homemaker's Guide/April, 2014 3