Junior All American Tour (Ages 7-10) – Total participation increased 62.9% on the Junior All American Tour.
2012 Projections:
222 players / 15 events / 14.80 player average
2012 Year End:
215 players / 15 events / 14.33 player average
2011 Year End:
132 players / 16 events / 8.25 player average
The projected income for the Junior All American Tour in 2012 was $13,380.00. The actual income for the Junior
All American Tour was $14,430.00, which is a 9.3% increase from 2011 ($13,200.00 actual income, which
includes one additional event, as well as an entry fee of $100.00 for each event in 2011 versus the $30.00 entry
fee for the summer events in 2012). The $14,430.00 of actual income is 7.8% greater than 2012 projections.
Texas Boys & Girls PGA Championship: The 3rd Annual Texas Boys & Girls PGA Championship was
conducted at Brookhaven Country Club on June 5 and 6. This event featured 64 of the state of Texas’ elite junior
golfers 12 years of age and younger and served as their “state championship”. The Championship was conducted
over 18-holes for boys and girls ages 7 to 10 and 36-holes for boys and girls ages 11 and 12. The winner of each
age division earned a spot on the Northern Texas PGA Texas Junior Cup Team.
Below is a comparison between 2012 projections and actual numbers for the Championship, as well as a
comparison to the 2011 event. Please note that there were separate entry fees in 2011 depending on the age of
the player. This year the entry fee was set at $100.00 for all participants.
Texas Boys & Girls PGA Championship
2012 Projection:
60 players
2012 Actual:
64 players
2011 Actual:
43 players
The projected income for the 3rd Annual Texas Boys & Girls PGA Championship was $4,500.00. The actual
income for the 3rd Annual Texas Boys & Girls PGA Championship was $6,400.00, which is a 4.7% increase from
2011 ($6,110.00 actual income) and 42.2% greater than 2012 projections.
Texas Junior Cup Matches: In a continued effort to provide younger junior golfers in the state of Texas an
opportunity to compete at the highest level, the Northern Texas PGA Junior Tour partnered with the Southern
Texas PGA Junior Tour to create the Texas Junior Cup Matches. The Ryder Cup style format tournament featured
12 junior golfers from each Tour competing in 9-hole Scramble and Four-Ball Matches the first day, followed by
9-hole Singles Matches the final day. The Northern Texas PGA hosted the 2012 Matches on Saturday, October 20
and Sunday, October 21 at Northwood Club in Dallas. Members from the Northern Texas PGA Team qualified to
compete by placing first at the 3rd Annual Texas Boys & Girls PGA Championship in the Boys 11-12, Girls 1112, Boys 9-10, Girls 9-10, Boys 7-8 and Girls 7-8 age divisions, and by placing first in the 2012 All American
Tour and Junior All American Tour points standings as of Friday, August 3 in the same respective age divisions.
Cameron McCormick, NTPGA Junior Golf Committee Chairman, served as the captain of the Northern Texas
PGA Team in 2012. The Southern Texas PGA Team captured the cup with a 17.5 to 6.5 victory over the Northern
Texas PGA Team.
The following players represented the Northern Texas PGA in the inaugural Texas Junior Cup Matches:
Boys 7-8: Minas Manias of Frisco & Sam Jenkins of Garland
Boys 9-10: Wade Langley of Winnsboro & Dawson Ovard of Frisco
Boys 11-12: Jake Benanti of McKinney & Robert Lahrman of Dallas
Girls 7-8: Haili Moore of Prosper & Alyssa Kurji of Plano
Girls 9-10: Gabbi Bentancourt of Lubbock & Bianca Cunningham of Garland
Girls 11-12: Hailey Jones of Dallas & Phoebe Yuan of Allen