Test - May Telecom Issue | Page 13

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Malhotra said HomeShop18 is prepared to serve the rising demand for m-commerce in the country . " In the last one year a lot of people have started using smartphones to search . These categories are now limited like google search for restaurants or movie ticket . But they will move up the value chain in some time ," he said . So for HomeShop18 to be available on handsets and utilise it to complete its entire e-retailing business was critical , he added .
" So far we have launched two apps for i-phone and android , we also launched a website to enable smartphone users to surf over 14 million products on our website and we also came out with a our own app for a live HomeShop18 TV channel for smartphone users ," he said . The company recently launched a ' Scan N Shop ', India ' s first virtual shopping wall , at T3 Terminal of Indira Gandhi International Airport in the national capital , he said . " We were the first to come out with shopping experience on television four years back and if we go by the latest TAM data , HomeShop18 is now in about 50 million households . Then , two years ago we launched our website , which gets around 5.5 million unique visitors every month ," Malhotra said

Mobility reshaping consumer gadget spending and behaviour : Gartner

Major change is that mobility is now reshaping mainstream consumer behaviour in fundamental ways , the way people organise their lives and the spaces they live in

Household adoption and spending on consumer technology products is shifting faster than expected in favour of gadgets and services that are portable or mobile and those that that deliver networking capabilities and entertainment , according to a recent survey by Gartner Inc . The major change is that mobility is now reshaping mainstream consumer behaviour in fundamental ways , the way people organise their lives and the spaces they live in . " Early adopters tend to leave the home laptop in the bag and are abandoning the home office in favour of the lounge room couch or bedroom to do online activities in a more comfortable environment using a tablet or smartphone ," said Nick Ingelbrecht , research director at Gartner . " This early adopter trend is becoming mainstream consumer behaviour . Consequently , technology and service providers are faced with no alternative but to innovate for mobility . If they do nothing , they face a potential train wreck as consumers abandon gadgets , services and applications that do not fully support changing mobile lifestyles ." The average household spending by users of media tablets , e-readers , laptops and digital cameras has fallen even as household penetration of these devices has increased ( see Table 1 ). Falling prices and increased technology performance are primary drivers of increasing adoption and multiple purchases . source

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