Test Drive one | Page 2

AN IDEAL MORNING As the rays of the sun penetrate the curtains of the bedroom to disturb Jack’s sleep, As the birds chirp and the cock crows to the mowing of the cows in their shades, As Lucy hums to the slow but steady flow of the stream downstream as she fetches water for her family, As the cockroaches shrill away the darkness for their hideouts, As life comes back to the forsaken paths and streets, As the elderly reach for their sticks to bask in the morning sun, As the lovely day begins to unfold before our eyes, As memories trickle down our souls as we expect to memorize, Memorize the role we play in this lovely world, A world full of love, hatred and pleasant humans, Humans driven to excellence by humanity nurtured by mistakes, Mistakes from the current past, A past we many would wish to be part of and many were never there, There to face the cruelty and naivety of mankind. -Kimutai Joel Victor-