Most
processed
foods
have
at
least
one
of
these
types
of
oils.
Dairy
lot
of
people
have
problems
eaBng
dairy
products.
If
you’re
not
one
of
those
people,
and
you
have
access
to
raw
milk,
go
for
it.
Raw
milk
(when
it
comes
from
a
good,
trusted
source)
is
safe,
delicious,
and
healthy.
Low
Carb?
No.
Just
different
carbs
Some
people
confuse
a
Paleo
diet
with
a
low-‐carb
diet.
Sure,
if
you’re
overweight,
mostly
sedentary,
and
want
to
lose
weight,
a
lower-‐carb
diet
can
help
you
lose
weight
quickly
and
safely.
If
you’re
not
overweight,
are
acBve
at
your
job
or
work
out
a
lot,
you
need
those
carbs.
Just
make
sure
you’re
gepng
those
from
“good”
carb
sources
like
sweet
potatoes,
starchy
carbs,
fruit,
and
someBmes
rice,
if
you
are
out
of
other
opBons.
White
rice
is
a
benign
grain,
with
very
few
lecBns,
and
no
gluten,
as
long
as
it
hasn’t
been
contaminated.
Whether
you
eat
white
rice
is
up
to
you.
Fat
Contrary
to
what
you
have
been
told,
fat
doesn’t
make
you
fat.
In
fact,
your
diet
when
eaBng
Paleo
will
contain
a
lot
of
fat,
parBcularly
from
meat,