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b. Edit the Listen Address or Listen Port fields to correspond to the address of a NIC or
logical address on the associated engine tier machine.
c. Edit the External Listen Address or External Listen Port fields to match the public address
of a load balancer in the system.
d. Edit the advanced channel attributes as necessary (see “Creating a New SIP or SIPS
Channel” on page 1-6 for details.)
e. Click Save.
8. Click Activate Changes to apply the configuration.
Creating a New SIP or SIPS Channel
To create add a new SIP or SIPS channel to the configuration of a WebLogic SIP Server instance:
1. Log in to the Administration Console for the WebLogic SIP Server domain you want to
2. Click Lock & Edit to obtain a configuration lock.
3. In the left pane, select the Environment->Servers tab.
4. In the right pane, select the name of the server you want to configure.
5. Select the Protocols->Channels tab to display the configured channels.
6. Click New to configure a new channel.
7. Fill in the new channel fields as follows:
– Name: Enter an administrative name for this channel, such as “SIPS-Channel-eth0.”
– Protocol: Select either SIP to support UDP and TCP transport, or SIPS to support TLS
transport. Note that a SIP channel cannot support only UDP or only TCP transport on
the configured port.
8. Click Next
9. Fill in the new channel’s addressing fields as follows:
– Listen Address: Enter the IP address or DNS name for this channel. On a multi-homed
machine, enter the exact IP address of the interface you want to configure, or a DNS
name that maps to the exact IP address.
Configuring Network Resources