Co nf i g ur i n g N e t wo rk C ha nn e l s fo r SIP o r S I P S
For proxy discovery, WebLogic SIP Server uses DNS resolution only once per SIP transaction to
determine transport, IP, and port number information. All retransmissions, ACKs, or CANCEL
requests are delivered to the same address and port using the same transport. For details about
how DNS resolution takes place, see RFC 3263: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Locating SIP
When a proxy needs to send a response message, WebLogic SIP Server uses DNS lookup to
determine the IP address and/or port number of the destination, depending on the information
provided in the sent-by field and via header.
Configuring Network Channels for SIP or SIPS
When you create a new domain using the Configuration Wizard, WebLogic SIP Server instances
are configured with a default network channel supporting the SIP protocol over UDP and TCP.
This default channel is configured to use Listen Port 5060, but specifies no Listen Address.
Follow the instructions in Reconfiguring an Existing Channel to change the default channel’s
listen address or listen port settings. See “Creating a New SIP or SIPS Channel” on page 1-6 for
to create a new channel resource to support additional protocols or additional network interfaces.
Reconfiguring an Existing Channel
Note: You cannot change the protocol supported by an existing channel. To reconfigure an
existing listen address/port combination to use a different network protocol, you must
delete the existing channel and create a new channel using the instructions in “Creating
a New SIP or SIPS Channel” on page 1-6.
1. Log in to the Administration Console for the WebLogic SIP Server domain you want to
2. Click Lock & Edit to obtain a configuration lock.
3. In the left pane, select the Environment->Servers tab.
4. In the right pane, select the name of the server you want to configure.
5. Select the Protocols->Channels tab to display the configured channels.
6. To delete an existing channel, select it in the table and click Delete.
7. To reconfigure an existing channel:
a. Select the channel’s name from the channel list (for example, the default sip channel).
Configuring Network Resources