test 200 | Page 6

 Be familiar with these change gurus, their guiding principles, and their philosophical legacies. – pg. 258  Familiarize yourself with other quality tools (for instance, scattergrams, run charts, process control charts) and approaches (for instance, the Theory of Constraints and Six Sigma).- pg. 260  Be familiar with the distinctions between adragogy and pedagogy.- pg. 262  Be familiar with key learning curve patterns. –pg. 264  Questions about motivation theories discussed in Chapter 2 are likeley to appear on the PHR exam within the context of the HRD functional area. Refamiliarize yourself with those theories and with the applications of those theories.- pg.265  Be familiar with the stages of career development, as well as specific ways in which organizations, managers, and employees can contribute to that development- pg. 270  Chapter 2 of this book addressed various leadership models designed to provide a conceptual framework for understanding management and leadership. Though those two concepts were addressed withing the framework of the 23 core competencies, revisit those theories and concepts. First, as an HR professional, you will be called on to understand the how management and leadership differ and how those differences impact how you might apply these theories. Second, it is likeley that you will presented with questions relating to these theories and concepts when you take the PHR exam. –pg 270.  Be familiar with each of the three primary categories of performance appraisals.- pg. 277  Familiarize yourself with circumstances under which employers can make deductions from an employee’s salary- pg. 306  Be familiar with government-sponsored programs that enable employers t o pay certain employees (full time students, certain perople with disabilities, and so on) at an hourly rate of pay that is less than the federal minimum wage.- pg. 315  This statement, while accurate, is also incomplete, in that it does not even begin to address the nuances of the Portal-to-Portal Act. The act, for instance, addresses travel time (on public transportation, on private transportation, during work hours, outside work hours), pre-shift work, idle waiting time, overnight travel, training time, and many other considerations. Familiarize yourself with this act before paying your employees and before taking the PHR exam.- pg 319  Be familiar with the advantages and disadvantages associated with each of the different methods of securing market data- in particular, the advantages and disadvantages of surveybased methods. –pg. 324  Pay structures provide a reminder about the criticality of effectively communicating with employees about the organization’s total rewards philosophy and programs. Familiarize yourself with ways to engage in meaningful and effective communication with employees around these all-important topics.- pg. 327  In this section, we covered many areas related to the discipline of compensation- areas that are highly likely to show up on the PHR exam. There are other areas, however, that we have not touched on directly, which are also included in the repetoire of responsibilities you need to perform and this cache of knowledge you need to posseess as an HR professional. This (in a