o In cases of app…….- pg 470
Familiarize yourself with what an employer might experience during the opening conference,
the physical inspection, and the closing conference.- pg. 471
At times, OSHA will investigate an employee complaint with a phone/fax investigation instead of
an onsite inspection. Know the circumstances under which this can happen, and know what an
employer needs to do.- pg 471
With the exception of those that are de minimis, violations result in citations. Know the process
that must be followed upon receipt of a citation, and know the appeal process.- pg 472
Be familiar with types, elements, and benefits of health and wellness programs. – pg. 483
Be familiar with drug-testing techniques, as well as appropriate intervention strategies –pg. 487
Be familiar with the physical, psychological, and mental manifestations of stress- pg. 488
Familiarize yourself with different types of safety training and incentive programs, as well as
effective ways to implement such programs within the organization- pg. 488
Familiarize yourself with different types of salary training and incentive programs, as well as
effective ways to implement those programs within the organization- pg. 489
Carefully review the specified safety- related responsibilities and knowledge. In addition to
reflecting upon your practical experience, seek out as much info as possible- anecdotal and otherwise
relative to each of those topics. This is particularly important if you have had limited practical experience
with safety related issues.- pg 490
Familiarize yourself with different types of safety training and incentive programs, as well as
effective ways to implement those programs within the organization. – pg 490