which the arbitration deals, which can be a distinct advantage. Also, neither party will
be “stuck” with an arbitrator with whom it is not happy.
o Decisions- arbitrators must resolve grievances on the basis of an objective
interpretation of the contract as it was written. In the event that the contract language
is unclear, the arbitrator must then work to ascertain what the intent of the parties was
at the time that the contract was written. Past practice is an extremely important
element in this process, especially if the contract language is somewhat ambiguous. –pg.
The PHR exam covers a wide range of info relating to employee and labor relations. Those topics
have been explored in this chapter, with three exceptions:
o Public sector labor relations issues and practices (this includes federal, state, and local
government employees)
o Expatriation and repatriation issues and practices
o Employee and labor relations for local nationals (for example, labor relations in other
- As part of your preparation for the PHR exam, be certain to review matters
pertaining to each of these areas
Familiarize yourself with specific categories of business risk. Learn more about those that are
addressed in this chapter- and don’t stop there! Dig more deeply deeper into the topics that are covered
here, as well- particularly safety and security. Risk management is a wide and deep well, and test
questions will emanate from a vast body of info. Be ready.- pg 455
In addition to this mode., be sure to familiarize yourself with other risk management models,
particularly those highlighted by HRCI and SHRM.- pg. 455
Familiarize yourself with other employment-related insurance products, such as errors and
omissions (E&O) insurance and directors’ and officers’ (D&O) liability insurance. –pg. 459
There are other laws that, to a degree, relate to risk management, and –more specifically- to
privacy. Although we won’t be specifically – to privacy. Although we won’t be specifically covering them
in-depth in this book, be sure to familiarize yourself with them:
o Fair Credit Reporting Act
o Employee Polygraph Protection Act
o Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act
o Privacy Act- pg. 461
Revisit other laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) and the Fair Labor Standards
Act (FLSA), to reacquaint yourself with portions of these laws that relate to health and safety issues.-pg.
Familiarize yourself with medical interventions that come under the category of first aid, as well
as with those that go beyond first aid. –pg 466
The PHR exam may cover any or all of these (or other) standards in greater detail. Increase your
knowledge of all of them, especially if they do not apply to your particular industry.- pg. pg 469
There are certain limited circumstances under which OSHA may give employers 24 hours
advance notice