TESS 01 | Page 16

Wise Perceptions Prof. Uday Gadkari President, Council of Architecture Director, I.D.E.A.S. Nagpur A spire to decency. Practice civility towards one another. Admire and emulate ethical behavior wherever you find it. Apply a rigid standard of morality to your lives; and if, periodically you fail as you surely will, adjust your lives, not the standards! “ There are ways to study that make it enjoyable. . . and this is what will get you by” 11 Don’t procrastinate. Do those things early rather than at last minute. You will be glad you did. Work hard but don’t forget to have fun once in a while, it will help lower your stress levels to have a little bit of fun each week. Keep a calendar or planner of when things are due and what you have to do for each class. College is about time management and one’s ability to put academics before a party. Take that night to go and sit in the library, go sit under that tree on a nice day and read ahead for class. There are ways to study that make it enjoyable……and this is what will get you by. Actively participate in class. Constantly searching for questions to ask the professor is the best way to make sure you are paying attention. Obviously, some classes are more engaging than the others, but getting to the hard/slow once is just as important as doing well in the classes you actually want to take. Know your priorities and make sure your actions are aligned with them. If you are going to college to learn and do well, your actions should reflect that. If you are going to party, well then you’re your actions almost certainly will reflect that. Understanding what you want to get out of your experience in college will help guide the rest of what you do.