Bro. Thomas Grady Retires
Father Brian Jordan to Head Campus Ministry
“When I started there was no formal
Campus Ministry. We had a priest
who came in part time to celebrate
Mass a couple of days a week,” said
Bro. Thomas Grady, O.S.F. ’68 who
founded the Ministry shortly after
returning to his alma mater 16 years ago.
majors, receive formal training from the Counseling Center and are
given a chance to develop skills. For the students, “it’s an easy way
for people to get stuff off their chest in an informal setting.”
Another high note for Bro. Thomas was the creation of the St. Francis
College Choir. “There was no glee club or chorus here and I thought
there must be some talented students who wanted to sing. So I just
started it up.”
Dr. Macchiarola then connected Bro. Thomas to John Motley, who
had spent decades as music director with the NYC Board of Education
and led the St. Francis choir until his death in 2011. The choir now
performs at numerous functions each year including Commencement,
Charter Day and in their own Christmas concert. More recently, the
hen-President Frank J. Macchiarola ’62 wanted a full-time
choir became part of the Fine Arts Department where students can
Campus Ministry and reached out to Bro. Kevin Smith, O.S.F.
earn one credit for their participation.
who was Superior General of the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn.
In December, Bro. Thomas is retiring, leaving a strong Franciscan
He recommended Bro. Thomas who had recently finished a master’s
legacy in his wake. Visiting priests, many of whom are St. Francis
degree in social and public policy at Duquesne University.
alumni, celebrate weekly Masses. The annual Franciscan Week,
Bro. Thomas had previously taught at St. Francis Preparatory School
and St. Francis Xavier. He also served as Superior General for 10 years
and worked for Catholic Charities in the Office of Prison Ministry.
Helping prisoners return to their daily lives was a transformative
which was initiated by students, grows each year and has participation
from several academic departments.
Watching over all of this at Campus Ministry will now be the very
capable Fr. Brian Jordan, O.F.M. Fr. Brian is a Franciscan from
experience for Bro. Thomas. “These were people who were in deep
the Holy Name Province, which has a connection with the Franciscan
trouble. And for many it was the first time they were dealing with
Brothers of Brooklyn for over a century.
what they had done.”
Bro. Thomas witnessed a different type of transformation at
Fr. Brian has been an ordained Roman Catholic priest for
29 years and holds a Doctor of Ministry from the Andover Newton
St. Francis College for students involved in the Rite of Christian Initiation
Theological School. His background includes ministerial service in
of Adults (RCIA). “We started with one student and have had a small
New York, Massachusetts and Maryland, work with the U.S.
group every year who want to receive the sacraments for the first time,”
Immigration and Naturalization Service, immigrant advocacy, and
he said. “It’s great for me to hear the students talk about themselves
service as chaplain at Ground Zero in the months following 9/11.
on a different level and to see their spiritual development.”
The Peer Counseling and Chat and Chew programs are also a
source of pride. The student counselors, often times Psychology
End-of-year retreat at Mount Alvernia in Centerport, LI.
His expertise also includes matters related to Catholic Social
Teaching and the history of multicultural parishes throughout the
United States. ●
Fr. Brian Jordan, O.F.M. with Bro. Thomas Grady ,O.S.F. ’68 in the Chapel.
S T. FR A NC I S COL L EGE T ERR IER | W IN T ER 2012–2013 | 7