The Alumni Engagement Project:
Service Corps Joseph Hemway ’84
nyone would have done the same thing
members,” said Hemway who is now Vice
— it was the right thing to do and I just
President of Information Technology & CIO at
happened to be there.” How often do
Pratt Institute. “We’re open to any and all ideas
you hear the good Samaritan say that when asked
and would be happy to work with organizations
about their just-in-time heroism? The St. Francis
that alumni are already helping.”
College alumni community has spent the past year
One shining example is Al’s Angels
building on that very idea: coming together to give
(, run by Al DiGuido ’78.
back — to the greater communities that it touches.
DiGuido is a lso actively involved in establishing
Alumni groups typically want their alma mater to be
this service program at the College. His charity
the best in the world. But there is an ever-growing
offers holiday meals and gift baskets to children
band of Terriers who want to be the best for the
world, as well as SFC.
What began on a sunny summer afternoon last
with cancer, rare blood diseases and severe
Alumni Board President Joseph
Hemway ’84.
financial hardships.
“I got involved with Al’s Angels last year and
year with a half dozen dreamers has blossomed
into The SFC Alumni Engagement Project with
more than 100 members and a simple call to arms
they believe anyone can agree with: help make the
world a better place — together.
“The Brothers inspired us every day with their
I don’t think I can fully describe what a great
Want to volunteer? Do you
work with an organization that
St. Francis can help?
feeling it was knowing that we were touching the
Please email Joseph Hemway at
[email protected].
an anchor point to bring alumni of all ages back
lives of those we would never see — that is truly
Franciscan! Volunteering and service can become
to St. Francis College,” added Hemway. “The
humble and selfless ways. We want to capture that
Franciscan ideal of service and weave it back into the alumni commu-
rewards are in the doing and the benefits stretch
well beyond the few hours of time a person contributes.”
nity,” said Alumni Board President Joseph Hemway ’84. “Helping
The plan is to build partnerships with organizations in the New York
others as representatives of the College gives us all yet another reason
City area to take advantage of the thousands of alumni who live here,
to be proud St. Francis grads — it’s our legacy.”
then to spread the service mission to the larger pockets of alumni
Hemway, who is in his second and last term as Board President
says this is one way to try to steer the Alumni Board to a more
across the country. The alumni section of the College website will list
upcoming opportunities to get involved.
mission-oriented focus instead of just getting people together at
the traditional events.
“Our goal is simple. We want to do what’s best for the world… let’s
happen to be there at the right time.”
“Events will always remain an important way to maintain our attach-
If you would like to participate or have a relationship with a charitable
ment to the College. But there is so much more that we can give and
organization that fits this mission, please contact Joseph Hemway at
do as a group. Some of our alumni are already doing great things with
[email protected]. ●
groups like the Wounded Warriors Project which helps injured service
H E L P S U S TA I N T H E F R A N C I S C A N T R A D I T I O N O F D E V E L O P I N G H E A R T S , M I N D S A N D S P I R I T S
Join the St. Clare Society
The St. Clare Society of St. Francis College honors
alumni and friends who establish a legacy at the
College through:
– Creating an Endowed Scholarship
Making a Bequest in a Will or Trust
The visionary gifts of St. Clare Society members
will ensure that the College’s mission of encouraging
academic excellence, personal integrity, and
professional accomplishment will continue for
many years to come.
Naming the College as Beneficiary of a
Life Insurance Policy or Retirement Plan
To learn more about ways to support SFC and the
benefits of becoming a St. Clare Society member:
Entering into a Charitable Trust Agreement
with the College
– Call 718.489.5361 or email [email protected]
All gifts to St. Francis College are tax deductible.
8 | S T. FR A NC I S COL L EGE T ERR IER | W IN T ER 2012–2013
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