In Memoriam
James F. Dougherty ’66 and Patricia Dougherty
James F. Dougherty ’66 with Patricia Dougherty at the 2008
Alumni Dinner.
ames F. Dougherty, Ph.D. ’66
and his wife, Patricia, great
supporters of St. Francis
College, passed away within six
months of each other. James spent
his career in education, working
for the New York City Board of
Education and then as a principal
in Wantagh, NY and Syosset, NY
before training teachers and
administrators throughout the region
as the Director of the Center for
Integrated Teacher Education.
He received the 2008 Alumni Board
of Directors Appreciation Award
for his decades of service on the
Board. He also created a successful
teacher prep program for aspiring
educators at the College and provided
leadership and support for the history
boards that dot the Office of Alumni
Affairs. James, 71, passed away on
April 14, 2012. Patricia, 67, passed
on Nov. 19, 2011. ●
Bro. Joseph Moloney, O.S.F. ’62
Bro. Joseph Maloney, O.S.F. ’62 singing the National Anthem as he did
before many academic and sporting events.
frequent presence at
St. Francis College,
Bro. Joseph Moloney, O.S.F.
’62 could be heard leading the choir
at special events, singing the national
anthem before basketball games,
moderating the Troupers Theater
Group or teaching students in
Communication Arts classes.
His humor and good nature brought
a smile to all those around him.
After earning his History Degree
from St. Francis, Bro. Joe earned a
Master’s Degree in Speech from NYU
and another in Guidance and Rehab
from Teachers College at Columbia
University. He taught and coached
at several grade schools before
beginning work at Catholic Charities
where he spent almost 30 years
making sure disabled people got
the services they needed.
A singer, gardener and chef, many
also remember Bro. Joe for his
campaign to get people to drink tap
water instead of buying it bottled.
Bro. Joe passed away September
11, 2012. He was 76. ●
We Remember
The following alumni and friends of St. Francis College recently passed away. We pray for the repose of their souls. Requiescant in Pacem.
S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E A L U M N I
Santo J. Barbarino ’67
Bro. Hugh McGrath, O.S.F.
Vito Berretta ’80
James B. Burke ’72
Michael Camarro ’36
Kevin G. Counihan ’74
Dr. James F. Dougherty ’66
Nicholas A. Faraci ’70
Aaron Farooqi ’15, student
Michael A. Greene ’93
Margaret King-Hauser ’75
Brian Lara ’08
Philip C. McGarrity ’81
F R I E N D S O F S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E
Patrick Boland, Brother-in-law of James Gildea ’76
Robert Mealia, Father-in-law of Tim Sugrue ’73
Josephine Dottrina, Mother of Louis Dottrina ’71
Francis P. Mescall, former professor
Geraldine Fahmy, Mother of Regina Fahmy ’98
and Michael Fahmy ’00
Virginia M. Novak, Mother of Charles Novak ’63
Alice Fallon, Mother of David ’67, Dennis ’69,
Peter, Kevin & Paul
Bro. Joseph Moloney, O.S.F. ’62
Paul A. Fiorello, Brother-in-law of
Edward Machinski ’72
Thomas J. Moore ’53
Doris Harrison, mother of Martin P. Harrison ’69
Frank J. Sicignano ’69
Mario Leonardi, father of Gerardo ’91 and
father-in-law of Carla ’99
Patrick Tufano ’52
Louise Malfitano, Mother of Carl ’76 and
Grandmother of Christine ’07
Mary Dorothy Comer, Grandmother of
John ’96, Kevin ’99, Patricia ’02 and Daniel
Patricia Ann Reilly, Sister of Gerard Gannon ’60
and Anne Gannon-Farley ’75
Helen Tassey, aunt of Charles J. Eames ’74
and great-aunt of Elizabeth C. Eames ’02
Tommy Torres Sr., father of Tommy Torres ’96
Domingas Ruiz Zafalon, Grandmother of
Vanessa O. De Almeida ’00
Vaugona Vitales ’13, student
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