Class Notes / Spotlights
Jessica Boiardi (nee Baeza) ’05 was named
Manager of Account Services for Turner Digital.
Her responsibilities now include overseeing a
number of websites including:,, and
Makwinder Kaur ’05
is proud to announce
her engagement to
Lloyd “Chris” McNeil,
Director of Support
Services Group for
Information Technology
at St. Francis College.
Joseph J. Buccheri ’09 and Amanda M. Paladino
’10 are happy to announce their engagement.
The couple plans to wed in November of 2013.
Joseph is the manager of the billing department
of the law offices of Cullen and Dykman L.L.P.
Nicole T. Buccheri ’10 is the reception manager
and legal secretary for Cullen and Dykman L.L.P.,
one of the oldest and largest law firms in Brooklyn.
She is proud to be a part of a firm that employs
many of her fellow alumni.
Kevin Korber ’10 parlayed his work as Editor of
The Voice student newspaper into a job as Reviews
Editor/Web Editor at Elmore Magazine, a magazine
devoted to all forms of American music.
Stefanie M. Morisi ’10 recently directed her first
play, Beau Jest. The play, which was produced
by Paul A. Morisi ’06, was performed this past
summer at Our Lady of Mercy Roman Catholic
Church in Forest Hills.
Andrea Ramirez ’11 was working in Guatemala
for the United Nations Department of Information
on a field internship to recruit Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs) to help give them a voice
and representation on a global level when she gave
her first interview to the national Guatemala News.
Not even a month later she again appeared in major
media when she was asked by El Diario what she
thought of President Barack Obama’s health care
plans. “Getting the opportunity to voice my opinion
and connect with people gave me a mini ‘moment
of glory’ feeling.”
Shimiere Douglas ’12 has started her own
company, SoberHeads, a lighting special effects
and stage management company operating mostly
in Trinidad. “Our premise is that strategically
Sandy Tejada ’08 — A Model of Success
By Toni Rich ’09
here’s no denying Sandy Tejada ’08 is coming into bloom.
Tejada is tackling the competitive world of modeling and acting
in New York City, and our money is on her success.
But don’t let her knock-out looks fool you; this woman has wit,
intelligence and a seemingly endless amount of talent.
Growing up as the third child in a single-parent household
in Queens, Tejada was taught independence and perseverance
at a young age. “My mother taught me how to work hard and face
challenges,” Tejada explains. From early on, Tejada threw herself
into numerous extracurricular activities including basketball,
softball, swimming, and dancing.
Tejada eventually focused on softball and basketball hoping
You can find Sandy Tejada ’08
to get an athletic scholarship. It worked; the invitations poured
everywhere from runways to
in from schools. But the truth was, sports had ceased to be a
fashion flyers to TV. Learn more
passion and she chose a Presidential Academic Scholarship
on her website
offered by St. Francis College.
“I look back now and realize that was the best decision I’ve ever made for myself,” said Tejada.
Studying Communication Arts, Tejada found her calling in front of the camera. And she credits
St. Francis with making that a possibility. “The small, intimate school really helped me find out what