Telolog 2013 St. Benedict's Prep Yearbook June 2013 | Page 5

Senior Leadership School Year 2012-2013 : From left : Peter Santiago , White Section Leader ; Mauricio Gonzalez , 7-8th Grade Leader ; Olivier Brillant , Maroon Section Leader ; Jared Boone , Senior Group Leader ; Alexander Melchor , Freshman Leader ; Raheem Veal , Transfer Leader ; Ahmad Boyd , Blue Section Leader ; Daniel Idrovo , Gray Section Leader .

guiding our way , building our strength

Student Leaders motivating our community

One of the challenges of being a leader at St . Benedict ’ s is finding the time to be able to be a student while also juggling the responsibilities of being a leader for your group , your section , or even for the whole school . This year ’ s senior leaders have been able to find some success with this juggling act as they took on their roles . Several of the student leaders maintained their academic standing to remind us that they are also members ( or even officers ) of the National Honor Society . The leaders had to be flexible and resilient this year , especially with the ability to make adjustments to the schedule whenever there was a special event at convocation , or some kind of surprise change on the days of reflection . All the while , they had to keep the rest of the students focused on the task that needed to get done , whether it was to be quiet for prayer during convocation , or getting the cafeteria cleaned after lunch , or avoiding being restless during mass on Reflection Days .
The cafeteria was a major challenge this year , because the lines stayed long , or even seemed longer this year . All the senior leaders rotated the job of making the announcements to clean and to pray after lunch . In the middle of March , it got so bad in the cafeteria that the entire Blue section and all the freshmen were kicked out of school for several days until they could come up with a plan to improve their behavior . The leaders helped their fellow students to find a way to be allowed back to school . Several factors prevented a full schedule of Group Games to be played , but the leaders managed to squeeze in a quick Dodgeball tournament into the winter semester ; that season is not yet complete as of the publishing of this Yearbook , but it was a good effort from the leaders to get some inter-group competition going on anyway . Summer Fun Day was also another event that the leaders managed to negotiate , and that last day of Summer Phase (“ First Term ”) was memorable and definitely fun . Congratulations to this year ’ s student leaders on their accomplishments .
Telolog 2013 | Strength In Community | Student Leadership