Tees Business Issue 37 | Page 26


Delivering real progress at Teesworks

Exciting development – The £ 650m SeAH Wind monopile factory currently being constructed at Teesworks , surrounded by the new South Bank Link Road .
Work on the giant Teesworks site is progressing on a truly industrial scale

The site on the south bank of the River Tees has already been witness to a quite astonishing transformation in the last three years , but this is merely the start for the development , which is the largest brownfield site in Europe .

A whole host of milestones have already been reached – almost too many to fit into the pages of Tees Business .
Here is a flavour of just some of the key developments already completed on the site : > One of the most complex and comprehensive demolition programmes in UK history . Clearing the site to allow land remediation and redevelopment to take place has been a truly Herculean task . Structures which dominated the area ’ s skyline for decades had to be taken down and cleared away so that new industries , new developments and new jobs could rise .
> The first 450m phase of the 1km heavy lift quay to link Teesworks to the River Tees and North Sea . Connectivity and global transport links are a key advantage to the Teesworks site .
Access – The Steel House Gate , providing a fantastic welcome to the site .
Completing the first phase of this important piece of infrastructure is a major step towards achieving worldclass connectivity .
> The South Bank Link Road . The completion of this £ 7m new road unlocks access to 500 acres of land on the Teesworks site , not just for road vehicles but also for pedestrian and cycle access .
> The Teesworks Redcar Gatehouse . This £ 2.5m new build structure provides a fantastic welcome to the Teesworks site , giving a wow factor to visitors and a window on to the development . It ’ s also a highly practical building which hosts site inductions and offers training facilities . Alongside new car parking , landscaping and lighting , a 3.7m-high LED screen has been installed onto the Teesworks bridge that displays current job vacancies .
> The Teesworks Skills Academy . As well as being home to cutting-edge renewable energy developments and advanced manufacturers , Teesworks will also be a place where key skills and training will be passed to the next generation of workers . The Skills Academy at South Bank is a “ onestop-shop ” to link jobseekers , local employment hubs , skills providers and businesses coming to the site to ensure as many people as possible benefit from the upcoming wave of employment to come from the site . Last year alone , more than 1,200 young people came through the doors of the Skills Academy – and this is just the start .
Added to these completed developments , a whole raft of major projects are already in progress on
Teesworks , including :
> The £ 650m SeAH Wind monopile factory . This giant 800m-long , 40m-high factory is already making its mark on the Teesside skyline . Making huge monopiles for the offshore wind industry , the factory will create 750 direct jobs and 1,500 indirect jobs once completed .
> Creating a 1,500-space park and ride facility . The new park and ride site will help visitors and workers to navigate the giant Teesworks site .
> The Teesworks Heritage Taskforce has been busy preserving Teesside ’ s steelmaking past through stories and artefacts . While Teesworks is about the jobs and industries of the future , it ’ s also about celebrating and commemorating the people and the work that went before .
> Preparing the ground for a world-first Net Zero Carbon Capture and Storage Facility creating more than 4,000 jobs . This ambitious project aims to be the world ’ s first gas-fired power station with carbon capture and storage capability , and will help drive Teesside ’ s aim to become the UK ’ s first decarbonised industrial cluster by 2040 .
Rounding off this selection of highlights , permission has also been secured for Circular Fuels for a £ 150m , cutting-edge waste-to-energy plant .
This will be able to produce 50,000 tonnes of fuel per year from 220,000 tonnes of non-recyclable household and industry waste by converting it into a safe , cost-effective and clean-burning fuel .
All in all , this is an exciting time for Teesworks , the Tees Valley and the North- East .
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