Why investing in UKASaccredited ISO certification can be a game-changer for businesses
NVQA is a Middlesbroughbased business management consultancy providing added value to clients . Here , Paula Willoughby explains why investing in UKAS-accredited ISO certifications is crucial …
For a long time , businesses have recognised the value of obtaining ISO certification , whether it be quality , occupational health and safety or information security .
ISO consultant NVQA has seen an increase in calls from organisations expressing their frustration and disappointment after obtaining certifications from non-UKAS accredited certification bodies , only to discover their new certification was rejected by a client during the tendering process .
This alarming trend signifies a critical need for awareness on the importance of working with recognised accredited certification bodies .
When pursuing ISO certification , it ’ s crucial to distinguish between UKAS accredited certification and non-UKAS accredited certification . Understanding these differences is vital .
The UK Accreditation Service ( UKAS ) stands as the sole national accreditation body officially recognised by the British government . The UKAS logo is a symbol of credibility and competence in the realm of accreditation .
Organisations achieving ISO certification by a UKAS-accredited organisations can use the national accreditation symbol . However , specific conditions must be applied .
The UKAS crown and tick symbolise independent regulation of the certificate , and each accredited assessment body has a unique number .
These logos are an integral part of the certification , as they signify that the organisation has been thoroughly audited and deemed competent by UKAS .
The UKAS logo is not just a mark on a certificate but a testament to an organisation ’ s dedication to excellence .
Expert guidance – NVQA ’ s Paula Willoughby says investing in UKAS-accredited ISO certifications can be a game-changer for businesses . PICTURE : TOM BANKS
It ’ s a globally recognised symbol of trust that can open doors to new opportunities and markets .
These benefits and advantages can significantly impact a business ’ s reputation and compatibility with others in the field .
UKAS-accredited assessment bodies guarantee a high level of impartiality and competence through an ongoing assessment process .
They are subject to regular evaluations to ensure they continue to meet ISO requirements . Impartiality is a critical requirement and any UKAS-accredited organisation must strictly adhere to guidelines regarding the services they provide to their clients .
On the other hand , non-UKASaccredited certification is offered by bodies not recognised by UKAS or any other national accreditation body .
While these certifications may be seemingly cheaper and faster to acquire , they often hold little to no value in the broader business landscape .
Many organisations providing non-UKAS certification create their own processes . They are not obligated to ensure they are assessing businesses to ISO standards and often lack the global recognition and trust that comes with a UKAS-accredited certification .
While the lower upfront costs of applying for non-UKAS certification may be tempting , in the long run it could end up costing businesses a significant amount of money .
Businesses that secure UKAS certification often experience accelerated growth and increased profitability .
This is attributed to their demonstrated dedication to upholding international standards in their business operations . Such commitment is highly valued by clients , who frequently show a willingness to pay a premium for services endorsed by UKAS .
Paula Willoughby from NVQA has extensive experience in ISO certification and only works with UKAS-accredited certificate providers .
For over twenty-five years , her knowledge and experience of industry standards and business requirements , coupled with a personable yet commonsense approach , willingness to share ideas and best practice , and dedication to business improvements , is a testament to her impressive track record .
Paula said : “ ISO certification is one of the best investments you can make – whether that be ISO 9001 for quality , ISO 14001 for environment , ISO 45001 for occupational health and safety or ISO 27001 for information security .
“ In a competitive marketplace , UKASaccredited ISO certification can be a game-changer for your business .”
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