Uplifting – Danny Travis has been appointed director of the newly formed Steel River Consultants : Lifting Compliance Services ( SRC : LCS ).
Steel River Consultants launches lifting sector accident prevention service
Keeping workers safe in the lifting operations sector is critical . And that ’ s why Teessidebased Steel River Consultants has launched a new company dedicated to achieving that goal .
Lifting operations are widely regarded as one of the highest-risk activities undertaken in the renewable energy sector .
They are a vital and unavoidable link in the entire wind energy chain , so it makes perfect sense to provide the best possible guidance to avoid accidents and injuries .
To that end , the newly-unveiled SRC : LCS , which stands for Steel River Consultants : Lifting Compliance Services , will provide cost-effective access to independent and impartial lifting operations assurance services globally , across the renewable sector .
SRC : LCS director Danny Travis has more than 20 years of experience in the lifting sector , including a decade spent in the wind industry , both planning and holding overall responsibility for the safe and compliant execution of lifting operations .
“ Industry incident data routinely places lifting operations in the top three most hazardous work activities , and it has been the work activity with the highest number of high potential incidents for the last three consecutive years ,” he explains .
“ In many instances , turbine manufacturers and owner / operators do not have dedicated lifting specialist expertise and , as the industry ramps up exponentially to meet global emissions targets and domestic energy security policies , so too will the number of lifting operations that require safe execution .”
The options SRC : LCS offer include : > Lift plan review services . > Development of client lifting policies and procedures . > Lifting equipment “ fit-for-purpose ” assessment services . > Lifting operations standardisation and risk management strategies . > Incident investigation SME support . > Technical support services .
The company aims to become a trusted industry partner to its clients by leveraging considerable experience and expertise to conduct appropriate levels of due diligence on the customer ’ s behalf , and ultimately deliver effective lifting operations risk management .
Explaining the thinking behind the launch of Steel River Consultants : Lifting Compliance Services , Danny says : “ SRC : LCS was borne out of a desire to ensure that our industry is better equipped to keep people safe during the many , many lifting operations undertaken .
“ Most of the lifting operations incidents which have occurred in this sector over the years are , sadly , entirely preventable and , having collaborated with many organisations across the renewable energy industries throughout the last decade , I have witnessed first-hand many of them struggling to tackle common issues .
“ With a genuine passion for keeping people safe during lifting operations , SRC : LCS provides clients with the opportunity to start joining the dots and utilising our experience and expertise to help them risk-manage their lifting operations more effectively .”
There can be no doubting Danny ’ s credentials and experience in the lifting operations sector .
Over the past 10 years , he has planned , managed or held responsibility for the safe execution of lifting operations within construction , commissioning , manufacturing , transport and logistics of the wind turbine value chain .
In addition , he ’ s also been involved in the planning of main component exchanges and decommissioning of turbines , both onshore and offshore .
In 2021 , Danny was appointed as a committee member to the British Standards Institution ( BSI ) Crane Safety and Testing committee , and is an active contributor to applicable national standards related to crane safety .
More recently , he was employed in corporate Environment , Health and Safety ( EHS ) to develop company procedures and risk management strategies for lifting operations , both regionally and globally , and has experience of developing corporate , national and industry standards and guidance .
Established in 2010 , Steel River Consultants is located on Preston Farm Industrial Estate in Stockton , and offers a wide range of health and safety consultancy support which spans all industry sectors , including a particular specialism in onshore and offshore renewable energy .
To find out more about SRC : LCS and how it can help your business , visit srconsultants . co . uk
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