Who is responsible for this?
The United States has used up 80% of the world's resources and must be held accountable for this
In this current time, humans have become selfish, everybody wants to maximize and optimize their profits and resources. The tragedy of the commons speaks about how everyone is trying to use up the same public area to raise their cattle, and this not only ruins the land but completely kills it.
Garret Hardin spoke about this years ago, and made it clear that it is in our human nature to try and get the most out of something. Watch the video below to see what he said:
Tragedy of the commons
Ever since it enetered the industrial world, The united states has been using up most of the world's natural resources, meaning it imports more than it exports.
It imports oil from the Gulf, Uranianim from Iran, Fruits and vegetables from South America, and other things from countries all over the world.
The US needs to start using resources sustainably and RADICAL solutions needs to be made.