should be looked at is how
New curriculum
teaching will be done will
The new curriculum is also
government improve
something to watch. Now I
learning institutions and will
am 8-4-4 guy from start to
the grades improve in the
end but I want to see how
long run. I want to see that
this curriculum will work.
this program won’t affect
The most important thing is learning or downgrade the
how the roll out will be done. teaching process while it is
Complaints have been
being done.
arising about this new
The main beneficiaries will
system. I want to see Uhuru be parents as they will now
do something at the
pay less the fee they were
Education Ministry so that
paying for tuition in the
we have a proper curriculum process.
up and running in the
There is a lot to be desired
but there is a lot of work to
Free Secondary education
be done in the process to
This is in his promise to roll achieve this. The
out the project in January.
government needs to work
Well it is here and definitely on these projects and
it will be something to
government sustains this
watch. The important thing projects.
*In an editorial discussion it
was decided that this is
going to be one of the last
edition of political equations.