Cool Golf Gadgets
Bushnell ’ s New Wingman Mini GPS and Speaker
With TWS technology for a surround sound effect
Walkers can simply attach the fully waterproof Wingman Mini to your golf bag with the included carabiner clip .
Bushnell Golf ’ s latest golf gadgets is the all-new Wingman Mini GPS and Speaker . Look at it as the second cousin to the Wingman View featured in our July 2024 issue ( page 31 ). You ’ ll remember it offers high quality audio that allows you to listen to your favorite tunes , combined with a viewable LCD screen that gives you both audible and visual distances around the course .
For walkers taking the scenic route while listening to your tunes , you can easily attach the Wingman Mini to your golf bag with the included carabiner clip . And don ’ t fret if the rain drops fall ; the Wingman Mini is IPX7 fully waterproof .
However , the Wingman Mini is an even more compact speaker that allows you to listen to your favorite tunes and get audible GPS distances around the course , which is ideal for both walkers who want to lighten the load and riders looking for a more compact option ! The Mini could be the answer , and priced at only $ 99.99 , it ’ s a no brainer for all it offers .
With the Wingman Mini , you get outstanding sound quality for your tunes . Just connect to your music source and the Bushnell Golf App for an experience unlike anything else on the course . The Mini has premium audio quality in a compact speaker . It also includes Bushnell ’ s TWS technology , allowing you to simultaneously play two Wingman Mini speakers with the same audio for a surround sound effect . How cool is that !
For the GPS side of the Wingman Mini , you simply click the “ B ” button for audible call-outs for the front , center , and back of green GPS distances — kind of like having your own caddie guiding you with the correct distances without giving them 10 % of your skins cash .
Plus , this little gadget is packed with audible GPS distance readings for 38,000-plus courses worldwide . Wow , that ’ s a lot of golf — best get busy booking tee times now !
BITE magnetic
That ’ s a lot of great features packed into the small Wingman Mini GPS Speaker for only $ 99.99 . For that price you could get two so you can use the TWS technology for a surround sound effect . Discover more Bushnell golf products at www . bushnellgolf . com .
Like most of Bushnell ’ s rangefinding devices , the Wingman Mini also features Bushnell ’ s BITE magnetic mount that allows you to mount the Wingman Mini right on the golf cart windshield bar easily .
14 September 2024 TEE TIMES GOLF GUIDE
Bushnell Factory Outlet Lenexa Store store is located at 8460 Neiman Road , Lenexa , KS 66214 . Call 913.310.0783 . Visit www . BushnellGolf . com or www . BushnellFactoryOutlet . com .