TEE TIMES GOLF GUIDE Magazine April 2024 | Page 16

Feature Story

Madi Frerking

Steals Spotlight at the KC Golf Show

Blue Springs South grad great ambassador for charity golf events . by Alan Hoskins , feature writer

If you were to go online to check out the name Madi Frerking , you ’ d find that of a golf professional . But that may be a misnomer . Golf Ambassador is probably more accurate . Frerking is not the typical golf professional you ’ ll read about in the pages of this publication — anything but .

A 2014 Blue Springs South High School graduate , Madi Frerking is a member of the LPGA and carries Category N status on the Epson Tour , the women ’ s equivalent of the Korn Ferry Tour for the PGA . But she devotes much of her time to interacting with golfers , making friends , and raising money for charitable organizations . An impressive 27-year-old , Frerking ’ s outgoing personality and friendliness are guarantees of enhancing any charity or other golf events in which she may participate .
Take this year ’ s Kansas City Golf Show as a perfect example . She presented two speaking seminars on behalf of America ’ s oldest brewing company , Yuengling . In addition to discussing short games , practicing , and the mental aspect of golf , she answered questions and talked with fans , posed for photos , and signed autographs .
She then stole the show . “ I wasn ’ t supposed to do any putting , but they unexpectedly asked me and Courtney Mahon over to the putting green ,” said Frerking , who promptly stunned fans by draining a 50-footer on her first try . “ I didn ’ t even have my own putter to use . The crowd went wild .”
Turning pro in 2019 , Frerking ’ s competitive career suffered one big hit from COVID in 2020 and another in 2023 when she was found to have Lyme Disease , which affects the immune system . “ My body ached , and I had a few rashes , but the worst part was the fatigue . One time in Michigan , I was so tired I pulled my car over to sleep for a half hour and slept four hours . One day , I slept 15½ hours .”
Two big attractions on the main stage at this year ’ s Kansas City Golf Show , Hall of Famer Tom Watson and LPGA professional Madi Frerking , got a few moments together to talk golf . ( Photo by Alan Hoskins )
In addition to serving as an ambassador on social media and events for Yuengling ( the oldest operating family-owned brewing company in the United States ), Frerking is contracted through Backswing Golf Events for appearances at a vast array of charity events such as the Ronald McDonald House , National Kidney Foundation , and others . “ I do anything they ask . It might be closest to the pin or long drive or playing in a pro-am or scramble ,” she says .
Regaining much of her strength this spring , Frerking plans to “ pick and choose ” her Epson Tour events and various state opens in 2024 while continuing her charity work , primarily in the Houston area where she now lives but also in such widespread states as New Mexico , Oklahoma , and Colorado .
Frerking started playing golf with her father , Darren , who was a member at Lakewood Oaks in Lee ’ s Summit , MO . “ I got to ride in