KC Golf News
Shamrock Hills
Gets New Carts and More … by Mike Hull , contributing writer
Shamrock Hills Golf Club in Lee ’ s Summit opens the 2024 golf season with a new fleet of golf carts . The Club purchased 70 new Club Cars , all equipped with USB Ports . Golf cart USB ports are not limited to charging phones . You can also charge other USB-powered devices , such as tablets , Bluetooth speakers , headphones , and smartwatches . The new carts replace the Club Cars that were purchased in 2019 .
Shamrock Hills investments over the winter , in addition to the $ 400K spent on the new golf carts , include a new $ 25K pump drive for the course ’ s irrigation system , $ 30K scheduled for cart path repairs , $ 10K in extensive tree removal , and $ 35K for upgrading maintenance equipment . In all , Shamrock has invested more than $ 500K to continue to provide golfers with the best golfing experience , now and into the future .
However , Shamrock Hills management continues to be frustrated with the false rumors of the course closing . In 2023 , a development company made a proposal to the City of Lee ’ s Summit to develop the land around Shamrock , which also included the golf course property . Since then , that proposal ultimately died , and Shamrock is no longer affiliated with that company . Nevertheless , rumors and confusion still exist because the same developer proposed to develop land south of the Shamrock Hills Golf Course , labeling it “ The Shamrock Plan .” With a name like that , it is easy to understand the confusion . However , there is “ NO ” connection with the golf course !
Shamrock Hills General Manager Eric Reisner has repeatedly stated that the golf course plans to be in business for many years to come . As evident by its aforementioned large capital investment , golfers can rest assured that Shamrock Hills Golf Course will continue to thrive in the eastern side of Kansas City as a top choice among local golfers for their next round of golf . It ’ s all golf at Shamrock Hills Golf Club –– go tee it up !
� USB Port
Make tee times or learn more about Shamrock Hills Golf Course at www . shamrockhills . com .
. com TEE TIMES GOLF GUIDE April 2024 15