TEE TIMES GOLF GUIDE Magazine April-2023 | Page 29

Set to Tee Off in 2023
Junior Golf News

Kansas City Junior Tour

Set to Tee Off in 2023

Sign-ups now underway .

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Central Links Golf Association ( CLG ) recently announced its Kansas City Junior Tour dates . To be a member of the CLG KC Junior Tour ( KCJT ), a junior must be 19 years old or younger and have not started their fall semester of freshman year in college . Juniors are eligible to play the junior tour the summer after graduating high school . A junior golfer must also have an active GHIN number . Players can obtain a GHIN number through the pro shop of their local golf course or can register with an online eClub here .

The KC Junior Tour is comprised of 10 events throughout the Kansas City metro area in June and July , with the Tour Championship taking place the last week of July . To play in KC Junior Events , players must register for the KC Junior Tour membership program for $ 45 or the All-Inclusive Junior Tour membership program for $ 65 . To purchase a junior tour memberships , visit www . centrallinksgolf . org .
Players are eligible for the following age divisions : Prep-9 Holes ( 12 & Under ), Boys 13-15 , Girls 13-15 , Boys 16 +, and Girls 16 +. A player ’ s age as of August 1 will determine the age division the junior will play in . Players can play up into a higher age division if they wish . Players will compete in a season-long “ Player of the Year ” competition per age division . The Player of the Year winners will be announced at the Tour Championship .
Entry fees for each event are $ 45 for 18 holes and $ 20 ( Prep only ). Tee times for the KCJT range from 7:30 a . m . to 1 p . m ., depending on what age division you are playing in .
No caddies are allowed for junior tour events . Parents / spectators may help look for lost balls but must stay on the cart path as much as possible . CLG asks parents to keep talking to a minimum and not offer advice or carry equipment . Parents may hand out snacks / water and give encouragement , but interaction needs to be limited and not delay play – see Code of Conduct policy at www . centrallinksgolf . org / junior-golf / junior-tours .
Kansas City Junior Tour 2023 Schedule :
1 .
May 31 ─
Swope Memorial Golf Course , Kansas City
2 .
June 8 ─
Tomahawk Hills Golf Course , Shawnee
3 .
June 12 ─
Drumm Farm Golf Course , Independence
4 .
June 22 ─
Hodge Park Golf Course , Kansas City
5 .
June 27 ─
Paradise Pointe Golf Course , Smithville
6 .
July 10 ─
Fred Arbanas Golf Course , Kansas City
7 .
July 18 ─
Dub ’ s Dread Golf Course , Kansas City
8 .
July 20 ─
Adams Pointe Golf Course , Blue Springs
9 .
July 27 ─
Minor Park Golf Course , Kansas City
10 . August 1 ─ KCJT Championship at Tiffany Greens
For more information , to sign up , and to see the upcoming Kansas Junior Golf Tour , visit www . centrallinksgolf . org and see Junior Golf Tour . Junior golf staff contact Taylor Albritton at taylor @ clgolf . org or call 785.813.9286 . Central Links Golf Association ; 8330 Melrose Drive , Lenexa , KS , 66214 . Call 913.649.5242
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