Benefits |
enterprise collaboration - in relation to BI |
ogy can support the ingrained processes |
Has anyone actually proved that collaborative |
at least anyway . |
humans naturally undertake when making |
BI works ? Aside from the strong customer results I ’ ve seen , analyst firm Aberdeen Group has conducted early research into this emerging area . The results of its study |
What components are essential for a successful CDM module ? |
important cooperative decisions .
Or , as Imhoff and White put it : “ Organizations can implement collaborative interac-
- ‘ Collaborative BI : Harnessing the Extended |
How should you support enterprise collabo- |
tion and information enhancement features |
Enterprise to Boost Productivity ’ - are |
ration in a BI context ? Firstly , you need to |
using the capabilities currently offered by , or |
profound . Organisations that embraced |
ensure that the process of collective decision- |
being added to , many BI tools . Supporting |
and implemented best practice collabora- |
making is able to take place in full view of |
collaborative decision-making , however , |
tive BI enjoyed a 42 % improvement in |
your up-to-date and interactive data . Inside |
requires the use of a collaborative platform |
employee productivity , a 30 % increase in |
or outside your BI environment - wherever |
or a separate system designed specifically |
business process efficiency and a 40 % rise |
it makes sense . |
to meet the need for collaboration in the |
in BI adoption . |
decision-making process .” |
Why do current attempts at collaborative |
Most analytics-based group decision-making
does not occur in full view of live reports
Enabling collaborative BI |
BI fail ? |
and dashboards . Shared decisions are most |
To achieve real collaborative BI , organisations |
often made via emails or in meetings , open- |
also need to adopt a collaborative mindset |
Given these astounding results , it ’ s per- |
ing a gap between human insight and the |
and support a culture of organisation-wide |
plexing that Gartner recently revealed |
business data . Decision-making remains |
information sharing and data access . This |
that some 80 % of BI projects fail , citing |
isolated from the data that should drive |
breaks down departmental silos , enabling |
poor communication and collaboration |
and underpin it . |
faster , better and more effective decision- |
as the primary reasons . And , according to |
making . It ’ s also a non-negotiable prereq- |
Accenture ’ s ‘ Competing Through Analyt- |
BI vendors should be adjusting the technol- |
uisite for success , as cautioned by Gartner ’ s |
ics ’ survey of 250 IT executives , 40 % of |
ogy to seamlessly integrate into your natural |
Carol Rozwell : “ If you have a culture where |
major business decisions are not based |
decision-making processes , rather than |
people are rewarded for hoarding informa- |
on information generated from reporting |
making users adjust to the technology - it |
tion and being experts without sharing , |
and analytics , due to limited capacity for |
must be intuitive . |
you ’ re not ready . Technology will not make |
business decision-makers to share and |
an organisation collaborative if it does not |
discuss BI content . Eckerson ’ s study backs |
Eckerson ’ s landmark study into collaborative |
already support the notion of teams from |
those results , finding that of those using BI |
BI found that meetings are the overwhelm- |
different business units working in concert |
solutions that already contain collaborative |
ingly preferred collaborative mechanism |
on common projects .” |
features , only 16 % use them . Consequently , |
employed by people looking to make a |
“ we still see a real gap between the level |
collective decision based on the insights |
The birth of collaborative BI has highlighted |
of information in BI and the quality and |
gleaned from data analysis - people like |
two BI truths . The technology must assist the |
transparency of decision-making ”, accord- |
to make crucial decisions together ; face to |
right people to make decisions in an intuitive , |
ing Gartner ’ s Rita Sallam . |
face . Why would it be any different when |
natural way ; and , the right technology alone |
acting on the information produced by BI ? |
isn ’ t enough to ensure great reporting and |
How is this possible , you ask , given the |
analytics . The environment must be right |
proven benefits of collaborative BI ? Why |
Best practice collaborative BI is about un- |
too . It ’ s not just the technology but what |
are users snubbing many of the collaborative |
derstanding and enabling people to share BI |
you do with it that drives performance and |
elements currently available when there ’ s |
content ; discuss overlaying knowledge and |
return on investment . |
such an obviously strong demand for features |
contextual information on that data ; and |
that can assist collaborative decision-making |
collectively decide the best course of action |
Adopting technology conducive to innate hu- |
within a BI environment ? |
whenever and wherever needed - inside a |
man decision-making processes , and estab- |
BI environment , embedded within your |
lishing a corporate environment conducive |
Well , it seems that many technology ven- |
company wiki or during a presentation . |
to collaboration , is the only way to achieve |
28 |
dors haven ’ t understood how to support |
It ’ s about understanding how BI technol- |
the best from your BI implementation . |