Technology, Affecting Us Now and Then May 2014 | Page 7

first flaw is that it will eliminate many jobs in the world. The next flaw was that it diminishes the safety of a phone. The last flaw is that if DTR were to be put into action, society would revolt due to the fact that they are already enveloped inside DT.

The way to remove problems one and two, releasing some freedom is the best move. I call it Distractive Technology Limitation (DTL). This means that TV’s will be allowed two hours for shows and one movie, computers will allow thirty minutes on a non-informative web site, one hour for video games, one hour for music players, thirty minutes for apps and ten texts per person per hour for phones. Of course for safety of phones, I will set aside unlimited calling which will provide a stretch of safety and freedom for the teens.

Now it is near impossible to move this action without the consent of many. I hope that those who read this do wish for the change and take on a petition for their town. But to introduce this action, you would have to go slow. If it goes in too fast, people won’t be so susceptible to adaptation, causing the want of the original life style.

Now it is near impossible to move this action without the consent of many. I hope that those who read this do wish for the change and take on a petition for their town. But to introduce this action, you would have to go slow. If it goes in too fast, people won’t be so susceptible to adaptation, causing the want of the original life style.