Committee Members!
Kris Adams - Fourth Grade Teacher, Greenbrier Elementary School !
Andrew Benton - Data and Systems Specialist, Dunton!
Brian Engle - Parent!
Chris Fahnoe - Director of Technology and Assessment, Dunton!
Deb DiMaggio - Technology Teacher - South Middle School!
Ginny Hiltz - Assistant Principal - Ivy Hill and Windsor!
Brad Katz - Information Technology Specialist, Dunton!
Gail Komarek - Library Media Center Director, Windsor!
Eric Larson - Associate Principal, South Middle School!
Aimee LeBlanc - Director of Special Services, Dunton!
Jennifer Leigh - Third Grade Teacher, Patton Elementary School!
Renee Lubbe - Parent!
Barb Mason - Parent!
Dr. Duane Meighan - Director of Teaching and Learning, Dunton!
Lauren Miller - Fourth Grade, Patton Elementary School !
David Page - Board of Education !
Breanna Pustai - First Grade Sheltered ELL Teacher, Windsor Elementary School!
Sue Ryl - Administrative Assistant and Community Member, Patton Elementary School !
Laurie Schellinger - Kindergarten, Dryden Elementary School!
Maribeth Seisser - Technology Facilitator - Westgate & Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary School!
Jennifer Serio - Early Childhood!
Akemi Sessler - Principal, Dryden Elementary School!
Jen Smith - Technology Teacher - South Middle School!
Paul Solarz - Fifth Grade, Westgate Elementary School!
Dr. Dale Truding - Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning, Dunton!
Corine Wegley - Second Grade, Patton School!
Kristin Williams - Third Grade Teacher, Ivy Hill Elementary School!