Tech Plan 6 July 2014 | Page 27

TD21: A reliable, robust and expandable LAN/WAN is critical to all operations of the school district and growing needs must be reviewed on a yearly basis to determine possible capacity changes.! TD22: Currently the budget for supporting Early Childhood technology is split between two departments.! TD23: No specific gap - continuation of existing project/process.! ! Strategies and Activities! Description of Activity Gap(s) Addressed Staff Responsible Resources Needed Continue to provide a robust and managed wireless solution to handle computer, camera, and IP phone traffic with wireless expansion beginning in the middle schools then K-5 buildings to support additional devices (goal of 1 AP in each classroom) 8 DTA, NS APs - MS! APs - ES! Cabling! POE support on switches! Wireless controller (MS only) Provide clean access portal for wireless traffic 6, 8 NS Clean access appliance Annually re-evaluate options to main х