TD7: Even with the infusion of new equipment, teachers and students have identified the
need for additional access to computers. An increase in our inventory also escalates the
demand for technical support. Increased student and staff use of computers will significantly
impact our ability to provide timely repairs and maintenance.!
TD8: New devices (beyond laptops) will utilize a wireless network. A robust, managed
wireless environment will be required to handle the growing needs.!
TD9: Various systems including video distribution, in-school communication, and business
systems are maturing and will need to be reviewed for efficiency and features.!
TD10: Schools are seeking video signage options for communicating to their stakeholders and
a districtwide approach or solution is not in place.!
TD11: Equipment supporting the district cable channel and other video production is
increasing in demand and will need to be reviewed for efficiency and features including
software and mobile uses.!
TD12: Services that are supported by a cloud computing model continue to expand and are
anticipated to grow in the future. Cloud storage is being utilized in several capacities but can
be expanded to support at home access as well as more efficient back up.!
TD13: The current backup of data process is functional but can be improved for efficiency
and redundancy.!
TD14: New devices and video standards have forced an examination of formats due to
TD15: As new systems and functions are added the complexity of the overall environment
increases. Seeking more integrated system solutions can provide for ease-of-use and
TD16: Power needs for devices in the classroom are increasing and sufficient outlets, charging
stations or other syncing capabilities are not in place.!
TD17: The need for assistive technology and related planning continues to be a need and
current relationship with NSEEO can be strengthen in this area.!
TD18: Staff and student need to manage an increasing number of passwords for district
related needs and not all systems can handle the same password.!
TD19: LDAP no longer is meeting district needs for user account management.!
TD20: The existing classroom standard (two desktop computers) is not longer sufficient to
meet the classroom need for access and supporting the instructional environment.!