Tech Plan 6 July 2014 | Page 20

SL3: We currently do not have the background knowledge to implement flipped/blended learning classrooms. We need more ideas for creating environments that are focused on creating rather than consuming.! SL4: We currently have a good amount of technology but it is not easily accessible, available, and it may not be the tool of choice.! ! Strategies and Activities! Description of Activity Gap(s) Addressed Staff Responsible Resources Needed Develop committee to create/design/decide on unified list of 21st Century Skills by grade level including Habits of Mind SL 1 Teachers, LMC, TF -Current list of 21st Century Skills! - More detailed information on 21st Century Skills! -NETS Standards! -Common Core Checklist (standards for each grade level) Create an online hub of resources! → Communicate with PSI about this SL 2 TF, interested staff, DSL, T25 -PSI Wiki! -Already created resources! -Time to create! -Live Binder! -Teachers Pay Teachers! -Learnzillion! -Teacher’s Notebook! -Mimio site Continue with the committee that is already working to interpret what PSI will mean in our district and provide guidance, equipment and resources as needed SL 2 PSI Committee, T25, DTA - PSI Examp H HB