SL3: We currently do not have the background knowledge to implement flipped/blended
learning classrooms. We need more ideas for creating environments that are focused on
creating rather than consuming.!
SL4: We currently have a good amount of technology but it is not easily accessible, available,
and it may not be the tool of choice.!
Strategies and Activities!
Description of Activity
Staff Responsible
Resources Needed
Develop committee to create/design/decide
on unified list of 21st Century Skills by grade
level including Habits of Mind
SL 1
Teachers, LMC, TF
-Current list of 21st
Century Skills!
- More detailed
information on 21st
Century Skills!
-NETS Standards!
-Common Core
(standards for each
grade level)
Create an online hub of resources!
→ Communicate with PSI about this
SL 2
TF, interested staff,
DSL, T25
-PSI Wiki!
-Already created
-Time to create!
-Live Binder!
-Teachers Pay
-Mimio site
Continue with the committee that is already
working to interpret what PSI will mean in
our district and provide guidance, equipment
and resources as needed
SL 2
PSI Committee,
T25, DTA
- PSI Examp HHB