Tech Plan 6 July 2014 | Page 13

• Three portable, Internet capable devices (could include laptops, iPads or other wireless devices)! • HDMI projector and cabling! • Wireless access point and cabling! • Phone and call/emergency button! • Interactive whiteboard and display equipment ! ! Digital Learning Content! Quality digital learning content is complex to evaluate as many vendors and distributors continue the race to provide online content in education and the market is flooded with expanding options and choices. The Tech Plan committee recommends the The Association of Educational Publishers “Checklist for Quality Instructional Materials”as a reference for assessing digital content options. The checklist includes the following guidelines:! 1. Clearly articulated learning goals and objectives! 2. Appropriate grade and reading levels! 3. Clearly stated reputable sources! 4. Engaging, relevant, and up-to-date content! 5. Highly vetted content that is accurate, objective, and reliable! 6. Differentiated learning opportunities! 7. Standards- and evidence-based lessons/learning aligned with high-quality assessments! 8. Well-designed and attractive materials for students, teachers, and other education professionals! 9. Adaptable materials for individual learning styles and needs! 10. Comprehensive teacher guide or instructional support materials! ! The Cloud and Big Data! Cloud computing provides expandable, on-demand services to the user but utilize a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet as opposed to a local server. This generally helps cut costs for physical items such as servers as well as simplifies content management processes for schools and educational systems. Currently the district utilizes many services in TECH PLAN 6 - AHSD 25 13