Team2_PIA_S4_BELS Team2_PIA_S4_BELS | Page 3


Many factors influence health status and a country's ability to provide quality health services for its people. Ministries of health are important actors, but so are other government departments, donor organizations, civil society groups and communities themselves. For example: investments in roads can improve access to health services; inflation targets can constrain health spending; and civil service reform can create opportunities - or limits - to hiring more health workers.

Climate change is deemed “the biggest global health threat of the 21st century” . Due to the complexity of the processes involved, the exact extent to which health may be influenced by the changing climate remains unknown. Nonetheless, based on current knowledge and future projections, with a high degree of certainty it is clear that the climate is changing, and that health is and will continue to be affected by this change.

Health problems, even minor ones, can interfere with or even overshadow other aspects of your life. Even relatively minor health issues such as aches, pains, lethargy, and indigestion take a toll on your happiness and stress levels. One way to improve your ability to cope with stress and feel better is to make a commitment to healthier habits.