What is psychology?
It is the science that studies the way of thinking, feeling, and current of people. How it processes information and physical, cognitive, and behavioral reactions to this.
How do psychological problems affect health?
In several ways, the best known is somatization, in those people who reflect their psychological conflicts through diseases, this is usually not intentional, but rather, the mind really generates the symptoms of the disease that they think they have. In other cases, we have that of depression, which after unsolved situations and unfinished duels, the affectation comes to generate a kind of stagnation that generates even the decompensation of brain chemistry.
Can psychological problems cause physical damage?
Indirectly yes, it is not always clear and visible, but there are investigations that abolish the mind-body connection associating a personality type with diseases such as cancer, and in other cases, an unsolved psychological problem can lead to the person committing suicide.
What is the most recurrent psychological illness in adolescents?
There are several more frequent disorders in young people, such as substance abuse, anorexia, social phobia, challenging negative personality, depression, and anxiety among the strongest. And in milder cases, we can talk about adolescence or identity crises, which are part of development itself.
What are the causes of psychological illnesses?
In large part, these affectations have to do with life history, with the care received at an early age, the relationship with parents, and especially family dynamics.
What are the effects that isolation has on people's minds?
Excessive isolation can generate a lack of capacity for social relationships, feelings of being unable to adapt, confusion in moral roles, anger, contempt. Identification with real figures, including Social phobia. This in extreme cases.