During mating season, the male will
approach the female by ramming
the female in to submission and
butting any male competitors.
Grunting noises are part and parcel
of the mating and courtship behav-
iour displayed. The female will dig
a hole in the soil and can lay up to 24 eggs.
Incubation can take anything from 12 to 15
months! Female tortoises usually hatch
when eggs are exposed to a higher tempera-
ture, whilst males will hatch when eggs are
exposed to lower temperatures during the
incubation process.
As for the little ones that were dropped off
at Bayworld … they will undergo rehabilitation and will be released back
in to their natural environment. No mountain will be too steep or too
big for these little leopards.
PLEASE NOTE that it is ILLEGAL to remove any wild animals from their
natural environment.
According to law, it is illegal to house these animals without a permit
issued by the Department of Nature Conservation.