Team Talk Volume 12 | Page 16

16 5. Never Runs Late It is not very nice to make someone wait for you. Do not, in any case, stay under the impression that you can increase your worth by arriving late at an event or meeting. Same goes for when you plan to meet a woman; not a single woman on this planet likes to wait. A gentleman always plans ahead for problems like traffic jams, filling in the gas tank, etc. There is just no excuse for running late. 6. Demonstrates Respect And Sincere Compliments An honourable man shows responsibility, restraint and respect in his interactions. One of the important traits of being a gentleman is to pay good compliments to others and make them smile, especially if it is a woman you are interacting with. Sincere compliments are the simplest way for making someone’s day. 7. Thinks Realistically Where people run away from reality, a noble man sees and tackles everything keeping reality in mind. He lives far away from the fantasy land, and he strives hard to make things work out in the most practi- cal manner. 8. Takes Care Of The Seating Arrangement For Ladies The noblest of men pay attention to details like this. Women are meant to be respected, and good gen- tlemen go out of their way to treat them in a manner that makes them feel special. Stand up if they walk in a room, give up your seat to offer them one, and most importantly, pull out their chair before they sit and gently push it when they bend their knees to sit. A true gentleman does not get his strength at a fitness club or gym, but the strength of a noble man is reflected through his integrity and strong charac- ter. By J Bradshaw 16