8 Traits You Need to Adopt
8 Traits You Need To Adopt To Become A True Gentleman
Being a male does not really guarantee that the boy will turn out to be an exemplary gentleman. Parents
around the world invest unlimited resources and time for the development of their son’s personality and
spend unlimited money to get him educated. But, instilling the traits of a gentleman into a boy is some-
thing that is much more important than anything else.
Take a look at the following few traits that are found in noble man, and take note of where you need to
focus a bit more while polishing yourself as a man or your son. A true gentleman:
1. Keeps His WordsThat is right. No matter what the cost, he follows all his commitments and is truly a
man of his word. He does not care much about what others think or do; he does what is right. A gentle-
man’s actions always reflect the best of him and who he chooses to be.
2. Opens The Door For A Woman, Always!
Chivalry is not dead, yet. A nobleman is always concerned about giving due respect to ladies. He does
not think that holding or opening doors for woman is an act of condescension, but he is of the opinion
that all women should be treated with courtesy. Opening or holding doors is not just limited to office or
household doors but he also holds the door while a lady sits inside a car.
3. Looks After His Appearance
A gentleman knows exactly how to dress up for different occasions and events. He knows the appropri-
ate clothing style for every place he goes to. Not just a well-dressed person accomplishes all his goals
with his personality but the way he carries himself opens numerous doors to opportunities too. A noble
man is also very cautious when it comes to good hygiene.
4. Allows ‘Ladies First’ – No Matter What The Situation Is
The biggest trait of a noble man is that he puts the need of women first than his own. Be it ordering food
at the restaurant, standing in a long queue at the bank or waiting in the long line to use the restroom at
a crowded place; true gentleman offers women to go ahead first. No gender is more superior to the
other but giving respect to women is the most appreciated quality in a man.