Give Her Time to Herself
Everyone needs an occasional break to rest and recharge, and this is especially important for a wife
who is at home all day with young children. Yet it’s very easy to neglect this legitimate need unless
you regularly and intentionally schedule time for it. (Luke 5:16)
Set Aside Couple Time
Soak in the tub together each evening or go on a date night once a week — whatever gets the two
of you alone on a regular basis. (Genesis 2:24-25)
Be Careful with Female Friendships
We all have friends and colleagues of the opposite sex, but tread cautiously. Not all affairs are
physical ones. Honoring your marriage vows means remaining faithful in thought and word as well
as in deed. (Matthew 5:27-28)
Use Good Hygiene
It is amazing how meticulous guys can be prior to marriage in their attempts to impress a girl, but
once they walk down the aisle, all bets are off. Clean up a little; I promise it won’t kill you.
Limit the Gross Stuff
Few women find burping and farting nearly as hilarious as the typical guy does. Good manners are
always a win. (Ephesians 5:4)
Be Patient
In whatever way this applies to you and your situation, apply it. (1 Corinthians 13:4, Proverbs 14:29)
Cherish Her Children
A mother’s bond to her children runs immeasurably deep. When you invest time or energy in them,
you are investing in her as well. Kindness to them counts as kindness to her. (Malachi 4:6)
Choose Her Over Hobbies and Buddies
Invariably there will come times in your relationship when you will be forced to choose between
your wife and something else that you enjoy. Always choose her.
Provide for Her Needs
This is so much more than just putting food on the table. It is all-encompassing. Whether it is
physical needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs, you name it — do your best to provide. Sometimes
life’s circumstances hinder us in one area, but we can compensate in another area. Often the effort is
as important as the outcome. (Galatians 6:2)
Cut Out the Condescension
If you have been blessed with a quick wit, you can either be the life of the party or a pain in the
neck depending on the circumstances. Condescension is anger’s younger brother. It isn’t as loud or
as dramatic, but it can be equally hurtful and all the more so for its subtlety. Lay off the snide
remarks, the sarcasm, and the belittling. Speak to your wife in the same way that you would speak to
a respected colleague. She is, after all, your partner in the most valuable investment of your life —
your family.(, (Ephesians 4:29, Colossians 3:19)
Actively Seek Your Wife’s Insights
Value her inpu