Team Talk Mar 2013 | Page 4

The South Barrow Team Register BapƟsms (at St. George’s Church) 3rd February 3rd February Rose Victoria Constance Jules Jackson Mia Rose Waldron-White Funerals (at Thorncliffe Crematorium) We extend our sympathy to the family and friends of: 1st February 4th February 8th February 13th February 15th February Ann Southward (58) Samuel Mellen (80) Thomas Hickey (52) Hazel Gabrys (82) William Duncan (100) Enquiries about Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child, BapƟsm, Weddings, Renewal of Marriage Vows and Funerals should be directed to the Team Rector. CONFIRMATION 2013 Have you been confirmed? There is to be a ConfirmaƟon Service in South Barrow on Sunday 16 June 2013 by the Bishop of Penrith. Adults and young people (school year 9 and upwards) who wish to confirm their faith in Jesus Christ please contact the Team Rector. AlternaƟvely, if you would like to know more about this, then he will be glad to help you. CHURCH ELECTORAL ROLL This year, under Church RepresentaƟon Rules, a new Church Electoral Roll has to be prepared. Regular worshippers at St. George’s, St. Aidan’s or St. Perran’s are invited to fill in an applicaƟon form for enrolment on the Electoral Roll, which is effecƟvely a list of membership and enables you to vote at the Annual Parochial Church MeeƟngs. ApplicaƟon Forms are available in churches now and should be returned by 24th March