The next ediƟon of ’Team Talk’ will be published in April
News items and arƟcles should be forwarded to the Team Rector by 17th March.
The annual subscripƟon for printed copies of Team Talk is only £5 (if posted, please
add £5).
Cheques should be made payable to ‘St George with St Luke PCC’ and forwarded to
Miss Pat Hughes, 24 Kent Street, Barrow-in-Furness, LA13 9 QT.
If you pay UK Income tax please consider making your subscripƟon into a donaƟon
and GiŌ Aid it - thank you
… to all those who supported the Table Top Sale and Coffee Morning at St. George’s
in January, which raised £120 and the Table Top Sale and Teas at St. Aidan’s in
February which raised £80 - a big ‘thank you’ to those who organised these events
and well done!
Furness Churches United Choir present
“Jairus’ Daughter” by Roger Jones
Friday 26 April 2013 at 7.30pm
St Mark’s Church
This musical tells the exciƟng story of two healing miracles of Jesus: a woman who
had been ill for twelve years who reaches out and touches the hem of Jesus’ robe as
he hurries to Jairus’ house – and Jairus’ criƟcally ill daughter, herself only twelve
years old.
For all who encounter Jesus that day, “He turned my weeping into dancing for joy …
his praises I proclaim!”