Work to improve the lighƟng, heaƟng and sound system , as well as to install
a powerpoint projector and screen, at St George’s, has begun.
This work has been under consideraƟon for some Ɵme has become a reality
following an generous grant of up to £11,000 from the Diocese, plus a
further £3000 granted this last week! The work is likely to take around four
weeks to complete, due mainly to the extensive re-wiring. While the
contractor will endeavour to keep disrupƟon to a minimum this may not
always be possible. The main areas affected will be the church building itself
and the Pennington Room; the hall is not .affected
Our building were built ‘FOR THE GLORY OF GOD’; as we consider the current
state of our buildings across the South barrow Team, along with their
present and future use, pray for guidance and clarify in seeking a clear vision
of how the buildings entrusted to us might be a resource and not a
restricƟon to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in whom alone there is a
certain hope and a bright future.
If you have any queries or quesƟ ۜ