St George’s Ladies Guild
Members and friends enjoyed a day at Barton Grange on 28th November
and the following Wednesday, 5 December, we went to Clarence House for
our Christmas Dinner. It was a lovely evening—the meal was excellent, the
staff first class and decoraƟons were wonderful. In fact, it was so pleasant
members seemed reluctant to leave!
On Saturday 8 December it was St George’s Christmas Fair and I’m pleased
to say it was very well supported. A big thank you to everyone for supplying
the boƩles—we sold out completely! Gary, our Team Rector, took the Guild
Carol Service on Wednesday 12 December, which was a pleasure to take part
in; refreshments were provided aŌerwards by the commiƩee.
Due to work being carried out in the Pennington Room in January and early
February the Guild meeƟngs will not begin again unƟl Wednesday 6 February
at 8 pm. If you would like to join us you will be very welcome.
In the meanƟme, we hope Linda, our Team Vicar, will get well soon and
assure her of our thoughts and prayers.. The same message goes to Alma
and Maurice—Maurice was recovering from a hip operaƟon when Alma was
rushed to hospital with pneumonia. We hope to see Alma in the new year, as
well as her chauffeur!
Dorothy Thistlethwaite
Saturday 23 February
10 am unƟl 11.30 am