Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 37

Military Ceremony Leave 319
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
Unless doing so would unduly interrupt our operations , you are entitled to up to one working day of leave of absence without pay for the send-off or homecoming ceremonies of family members ( i . e ., parents , legal guardians , siblings , children , grandchildren , spouses , fiancés , or fiancées ) who have been ordered into active service in support of a war or other national emergency .
This leave is not paid ; however , you may use any accrued paid time off during the leave .
Benefits Continuation ( COBRA ) 320
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
A federal law called COBRA allows you , your spouse and / or dependent children to continue health insurance coverage under our health plan when a “ qualifying event ” occurs . Some common qualifying events are resignation , termination of employment , a reduction of hours or a leave of absence , death , divorce , and a dependent child ’ s loss of eligibility . Ordinarily , you may continue your health coverage for up to 18 months if you lose coverage as a result of a qualifying event .
If you , your spouse and / or dependents continue coverage under COBRA you must pay the full cost of coverage at our group rates plus any applicable administration fee .
We will provide you with an important written notice describing your rights and obligations under COBRA . Please read the notice .
We cannot guarantee that taking one or more educational courses will entitle you to automatic advancement , a different job assignment , or pay increase .
Workers ’ Compensation Insurance 321
Effective Date : 01 / 01 / 2017
We provide a comprehensive workers ’ compensation insurance program at no cost to our Team Members . This program covers any injury or illness sustained in the course of employment that requires medical , surgical , or hospital treatment . Subject to applicable legal requirements , workers ’ compensation insurance may also provide wage replacement benefits after a short waiting period .
If you experience or witness a work-related injury or illness , you must tell your supervisor immediately even if the injury or illness seems minor .
You have a right to report all work-related injuries and illnesses . Reporting the injury or illness timely will enable an eligible Team Member to qualify for coverage under our workers ’ compensation insurance program as quickly as possible . We will not discriminate or retaliate against you for reporting work-related injuries or illnesses . However , failure to promptly report workplace injuries or illnesses may result in discipline , up to and including termination of employment .
Interlachen Country Club 32