Team Member Handbook Revised January 2023 | Page 13

We prohibit you from working for any other employer during any leave of absence you have been granted from your position with us , unless otherwise permitted by law .
If we determine that your outside work interferes with performance or the ability to meet the requirements of your position as they are modified from time to time , you may be asked to terminate the outside employment if you want to remain employed by us .
Questions as to whether employment with a particular outside employer might constitute a conflict of interest should be directed to Human Resources .
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure 111
Effective Date : 04 / 01 / 2019 Revised Effective : 03 / 01 / 2020
The protection of confidential business information and trade secrets is vital to our interests and success . Such confidential information includes , but is not limited to , the following examples :
• Benchmarks
• Computer codes , passwords , and processes
• Computer programs
• Copyrighted material
• Customer data and information
• Customer lists
• Customer preferences
• Financial information
• Fixturing information
• Manufacturing processes and procedures
• Market information and marketing strategies
• Methods and protocols
• New materials research
• Patents
• Pending projects and proposals
• Pricing data
• Product design information
• Proprietary production processes
• Raw material specifications
• Research and development strategies
• Sales data
• Scientific data
• Scientific formulae
• Scientific prototypes
• Technological data
• Technological prototypes
• Techniques
• Tooling designs
• Tooling lists
• Trade secrets
In addition to the items above , you must not improperly obtain or disclose without authorization any confidential Team Member data or information .
This information has actual and / or potential independent economic value , and we make all reasonable efforts to maintain its confidentiality . We intend that any such information provided or disclosed to you is to remain confidential and protected from disclosure until such time as we specifically declare such information to be no longer confidential .
Interlachen Country Club 8