Team Maybelline Final Presentation Updated (clone) | Page 30

Maybelline maintains a strong presence within social media and has used social media to launch products. One particular campaign by Maybelline Malaysia, Dare to Neon, was launched through Instagram to launch a new lip balm, Baby Lips Electro Pop (Hitz, 2015). The product is available in bright colors and is different than other Maybelline lip products the campaign matched the daring nature of the product (Hitz, 2015). The target audience of this product is the “young and visually focused” which was a match for using Instagram as a platform for a word of mouth campaign (Hitz, 2015). The advertising company that worked with Maybelline called the campaign “a success” with more than 700 #daretoneon hashtags and reached approximately 300,000 people (Hitz, 2015).

Another social media campaign was launched in 2014 using YouTube and several YouTube beauty bloggers (InfluencersGoogle Research, 2015) n eyeshadow product and included video ad placement that helped the bloggers reach more than 1.4 million clicks on the YouTube masthead advertisement (Google Research, 2015). According to