Team Maybelline Final Presentation Updated (clone) | Page 28

which has decreased over the years as in 2011 the spend was at $5.59 billion (

According to Simons (2015), with given attention to the various media platforms that Maybelline utilizes for their advertising and marketing promotional needs, in 2015 they have chosen to implement responsive design instead of a mobile application. The reason for this alternative choice is to ensure that there is coverage across a wide variety of mobile devices (Simons, 2015). Additionally, Simons (2015) discusses how Maybelline wanted to come across a consistent user experience across all devices and operating.

Internet advertising is the fastest growing medium with an estimated 18.2% growth in 2013 US ad spending (AdAge, 2013). In 2013, 21.7% of ad spending was on the internet. Google was the largest ad spender with an estimated $4 million in revenue in 2013. In the US, 2012, L'oreal was the seventh largest advertiser according to AdAge, 2013. L'oreal spent $2.240 million in 2012 which was an increase of 5.4% over 2011.