Teach Middle East Magazine | Page 37

Featured Teacher
Bangalore and Bangalore University , where I mastered in literature . I got married when I was 21 years of age and had twins , the following year , that kept me busy with running around . I was married into the Indian Navy where my husband served as an officer . So , it took me practically all over India , along its coast , and I had the opportunity to serve in different institutions all across India , before I came to Dubai .
When did you move to Dubai and how has it changed over the years ?
I came to Dubai in 2001 . So , I ' ve completed 20 years in Dubai . I think when I came to Dubai , the city was in the growing phase of its journey . I wasn ' t expecting a modern city . I was coming from Mumbai , which is very busy . I thought this would be a desert . I had visions of camels and all kinds of things . So , I was pleasantly surprised when I came in and found that it was quiet modern , but not as busy as the city from which I was coming . I came in during the growth phase of Dubai , when things were beginning to ramp up and schools were growing , so were the roads and the buildings . I experienced the 2005-2010 phase , where I witnessed the Burj Khalifa and other buildings , rising on Sheikh Zayed Road . The whole place transformed from a very quiet little city to the busy , bustling city that it is today .
How has the education sector changed since you ' ve been in the UAE ?
I think the inspection and the formation of the knowledge and Human Development Authority have done a lot of good , in terms of upping the standards in schools . Schools standards varied considerably . Some schools were not really very focused on learning . The standards that have been put in place have enabled teachers to focus on the academic aspects . Many schools were running on a lack of managerial roles . The focus on teaching and learning and pedagogy were not uniform across the schools , at that point . The education sector has really come a long way . The establishment of similar education authorities in Sharjah and Abu Dhabi , as well , has also helped to improve the education standards in the UAE . There is a lot more focus on inclusion , which was not there initially . Taking in children from all kinds of backgrounds , welcoming them and creating an inclusive ethos , was not a feature when I had just joined .
Who was your favourite teacher and why ?
There were teachers who were my favourites , while I was in school , and there are others who became my favourites , when I left school . So , I ' m going to tell you about both .
When I was in grade four , I had a teacher called Lynette Robinson . She was kind . I couldn ' t speak English fluently at all . My school system enabled me to memorise things and write answers . I was doing well at school . But I didn ' t have the confidence to speak . I was very diffident . I had lots of ideas in my head , but I ' d be hesitant about sharing them in class . It was this teacher that opened me up because she encouraged me . She knew that I was writing all the answers , so I must know some things . But I was reluctant to speak . I remember her as being angelic , she was pretty . She was kind .
Maybe it was my childish perception , but I think that , during the primary years , being kind is one of the most required character traits of a teacher . They also need to be able to encourage their students to excel .
When I stepped out of school , I thought about several of my teachers . My Physical Education teacher , who was responsible for my learning how to be always punctual . She believed in me and pushed me to try new sports , some of which I would have never considered , if it was not for her .
What do you enjoy most about being a teacher ?
I think I most enjoy connecting with the students . I benefited from my teachers championing me , so I now look out for the underdog . I try to champion the students who other teachers might feel are not good enough . I look for children who are like I was , when I was growing up , students who are perhaps disadvantaged in some way . I always believe that everybody has the ability to learn . You just need a champion . You just need somebody behind you saying , you can do it . My aim is to always make a difference in the lives of children .
To learn more about Asha , please listen to the podcast episode featuring Asha Alexander by visiting : https :// teachmiddleeastmag . com / category / podcast / . In the podcast , Asha shares leadership tips and so much more .
Class Time Term 1 Sep - Dec 2021 37