From Dr . Katharine Forsey , Education Consultant to Gratnells , a regular contributor to its Learning Rooms project , and a specialist in devising outdoor learning activities for schoolchildren of all ages .
With the cooler weather now on the horizon in the Middle East , it is the best time to take your students outdoors . Whether it is a field trip to a nearby or not so nearby place or simply taking the students outside , you can truly transform your students ’ learning with a simple change of venue .
First things first , learning outside of the classroom often means learning outside of your comfort zone , so why do it ?
Apart from often being free , fun and engaging , research highlights the demonstrable educational benefits of learning outdoors and provides a source of support , justification and an important evidence base for educators looking to undertake more learning outside the classroom . As well as the educational benefits , the health benefits are also widely reported . There is a proven positive relationship between physical activity and improved cognitive functioning that includes concentration , memory and language .
Top Tips
For managing students outdoors :
1 . Work in small groups that the children recognise
2 . Re-direct individual groups if they are going off track , rather than stopping the whole class
3 . Set your equipment out in advance 4 . Have a base spot , or muster point
5 . Move between the groups as they work
6 . Set clearly defined boundaries
7 . Create a set of outdoor classroom rules with the students
8 . Communicate with parents in advance regarding appropriate clothing
9 . Have back up indoor activities .
Sand Dunes You do not have to travel far in many middle eastern countries to find beautiful sand dunes . Let your students explore these structures for a geography lesson . Studying sand dunes is an ideal way to talk about wind shifts and the effects of rainfall .
Wadis Wadi is the Arabic term used when referring to a valley . In some instances , it may refer to a dry ( ephemeral ) riverbed that contains water only during times of heavy rain or simply an intermittent stream . A field trip to a wadi can be very rewarding for students who are studying rock formation or learning about different types of rocks . Wadi sediments contain a whole range from gravel to mud . If you live in certain cities , you may have to travel a little to get to one , however for students in Al Ain , Fujairah and Oman , where there are several wadis , this can be a very quick trip . Be careful when taking your students to wadis . If it has just rained or is about to rain , wadis tend to fill up with water very quickly when it rains and can become quite deep and dangerous .
But that ’ s not all . We have the curriculum on our side too ! It places a strong emphasis on using the outdoors - with topics such as plants , habitats and seasonal change , it is clear to see the links and almost impossible to cover these areas effectively without going outside . There are many cross-curricular links too . Taking learning outside can occur across all subject areas if built into curriculum planning , with clear learning objectives that consider what your students will be learning , how it is best learned , and the most effective place for this to take place .
Gratnells Outdoor Education Kit
Teaching outdoors is how we can make learning come alive for our students , enriching all subject areas , engaging and inspiring children to take their studies further . It ’ s only when you go outside and find real world examples that diagrams and theories have context , resonance and meaning .
14 | Nov - Dec 2016 | | Class Time